Danial L Raj Q
Cite As :
Danial, L & Raj ,Q ." Micro-Structural evaluation of a cobalt chrome dental alloy ".Machinery Manufacture and Reliability ,Allerton.Press, Vol,49, No1, pp1079-1088( 2019)
The present project focuses on Cobalt Chrome alloys (CoCrW) primarily in context of dental applications. They are usually classified or identified as dental casting alloys, which can be dental case noble alloys or dental cast base metal alloys. In this paper, experimental works were performed on Co-Cr alloy in order to evaluate its microstructure under different conditions through using, optical electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX). The microstructure doesn’t appear using the optical electron microscopy, so the SEM was used to investigate the microstructure, where the images presented grey surface with 8 micrometer white spots which was analysed using EDX. The results of EDX showed the Wight spots are presented by the high weight percentage of Tungsten ate the locations .
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