Rajo M Salim R Lakchmi B
Cite As :
Rajo M Salim R Lakchmi B " The effect of physical properties on combustion liner performance Vol,49, No1, pp1902-1917( 2019
Gas turbines ) are independent and reliable distributed generation systems that offer Multi scale turbines for differnt applications for saving energy and reducing carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. They are expected to play a vital role in future energy supplies for remote locations with or without grid connections. In this paper, a design and development of a combustion chamber for gas turbine was performed by SOLID-WORKS and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) ANSYS-FLUENT simulation software. Different chamber geometries were used to simulate with species transport and non-premixed combustion models to determine the optimum chamber design. The best chamber geometry adopted after optimization was 350 mm diameter.
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